Welcome to the website of the North Central USA Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The geographical area covered by the North Central Lieutenancy, shown in the image to the right, includes the States of Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. If you are looking for information about the Order's activities elsewhere in the United States, links to a map showing the territories covered by and to the websites of other US Lieutenancies can be found on the drop-down 'Contacts & Links' menu above.
03/14/2024 The Annual Contribution form can be accessed directly by clicking on this link. 02/27/2024 Dear Members, After receiving many requests I have been able to work with a company, Perfect Imprinting. which has created a website for EOHSJ apparel. Feel free to go to the website and browse the selection of various items. I have ordered two dress shirts, one with the circle logo, which is embroidered, and another with the alternate logo which is embedded onto the shirt. Both turned out beautifully! Please feel free to check out the website at: The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem All the best during the remaining Lenten Season, God Bless. Tom
H.E. Sir Thomas M. Olejniczak, KGCHS Lieutenant North Central Lieutenancy, USA Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 11/01/2023 Please read this email and click on this link to read the thank you letter that we received from Bethlehem University. Your Excellency,
I hope you are well.
Please find attached a thank you letter from Ms. Shahinda Nassar, Advancement Office Manager acknowledging the generous donations received from the EOHSJ - USA North Central Lieutenancy through the EOHSJ - Grand Magisterium.
Your support for Bethlehem University is highly appreciated.
Kind regards Rania

| Rania Hazboun Development Officer/Advancement Support & Appeals Office of the Vice President for Advancement Tel: +970 (0)2-274-1241 Ext: 2265 Fax: +970 (0)2-274-4440 Web: www.bethlehem.edu |
10/16/2023 The Catholic New Agency has reported that the Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem offered to be exchanged for hostages held by Hamas. View Article IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ - Important Letter regarding Christians in the Holy Land!!! Letter to President Biden RE Christians in Jerusalem - PDF Format Letter to President Biden RE Palestine Christians in Jerusalem - Word Format Please consider sending this letter to President Biden before he meets with Netanyahu in October. Here are the points that can help convey the message: 1) the Christian Palestinians are in dire need of your help. 2) Israel is instituting laws to quell the growth of Christians in the Holy Land and the U S policy makers can change the trajectory of this change, 3) The Patriarch is working with all Christian denominations to appeal to world leaders on this issue, but needs your help. 4) your support will give the Christians the hope they need to stay and support the church in Palestine. |
REFLECTIONS FROM THE HOLY LAND, MID-SUMMER 2023 is now available to read from Mr Sami El-Yousef, Chief Executive Officer of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 14 July 2023. Click HERE to read.
Here are two new videos that provide updates on the worldwide activities of the Order and on our works in the Holy Land. The first video features His Excellency, Governor General Leonardo Visconti di Modrone, recounting the works of our Order in 2022 and the challenges facing it in 2023. View that video (9 Mins) by clicking HERE.
The second video entitled "Holy Land Report for January 2023" features Sir Tim Milner, newly appointed to the Holy Land Commission, showing the financial commitment the Order makes each year to the Latin Patriarchate, and announcing the special projects for 2023. View that video (21 Mins) by clicking HERE.
These videos and all previous monthly live-stream video events can be found https://eohsjnorthamerica.org.